Condition Filters

The Condition tab of the Response Add/Edit dialog contains check boxes that set various filters that apply when you are testing the value of a Text Input Field.


Ignore Case

If the check box is checked then AUTHORignores capitalization of the field value. "Ronald Reagan" is equal to "ronald reagan."

Allow Wildcards 

If the check box is checked you are able to type wildcard characters into the fourth drop down list for a condition. The two wildcard characters are '*' and '?'.

The '*' wildcard can be used to represent any combination of characters. For example if you entered * Reagan into the fourth drop down list when testing the value of a Text Input field the field could contain 'anything' and Reagan. For example 'Ronald Reagan' and 'Nancy Reagan' would both be acceptable.

The '?' wildcard can be used to represent any single character. For example if you entered ?eagan into the fourth drop down list when testing the value of a Text Input field the field could contain 'any single character' and eagan. For example Reagan, Peagan and Zeagan would all be acceptable.

Ignore Spaces

If the check box is checked then AUTHORwill ignore any spaces the user has typed into the field. "Ronald Reagan" is equal to "RonaldReagan".

Numeric Evaluation 

If the check box is checked, AUTHORwill evaluate the student's response numerically. For example if your condition is testing a Text Input field to see if it contains the value 1, the field could contain 1.00 or 1.0000. With Numeric Evaluation checked, each of these answers will be evaluated to the value of 1.